Book or Film/ Movie Review

 Book or Film / Movie Review

We all read books and watch movies. 

Writing a review about a book or a film (movie) is an activity that enables us to express our overall opinion about a book or a film. It is a literary activity under 'Literary Criticism.' 

The purpose of a 'Book Review' or 'Film Review' is to

- Express our opinion about it.
- Inform the potential readers/ audience in a clear and unbiased voice about it.

The Contents of a Book/ Film Review:

1. Introduction

    - Title of the book/ film

    - Author/ Director's name

    - Publication Date/ Release Date

    - Genre

2. Outline Summary

    - A short outline of the plotline of the story in the book/ film.

    - Mention the character names, setting, key concept/ conflict etc.
    - Be careful not to reveal any surprises or spoilers.

3. Analysis

    - Discuss themes, characterizations, writing style, plot structure, impact etc. (for book review)

    - Discuss themes, characterizations, acting performances, writing style, plot structure, impact, visuals, production values, music etc. (for film review)

4. Conclusion

    -    Restate your point of view on why people should/ shouldn't read this book or should or shouldn't watch this film.

5. Recommendation 

    - Mention for whom this book/ film is most recommended.

    - And also where can the readers get the book to read/ audience can watch the film.

6. Rating

    - Give your rating for the book/ film out of 5 or 10.

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