
Showing posts from January, 2024

Pat on the Back Activity

  Pat on the Back Activity Pat on the Back Activity is an activity that helps with team building or peer-group building and for better understanding between people in a group. This activity lets you find one good quality/ characteristic that you appreciate in a member of your peer groups/ team/ family/ friend circle. You write their name and that one quality next to it, showcasing how you want to appreciate them for that good characteristic that they possess. It helps to understand them better and also encourages them to feel happy for that one quality in them and helps them to become a better person by living up to it. For example,  Vijay           -      Good at Time management Raghav      -      Quick Learner Sneha           -      Friendly Rishita      -     Hardworking Remember, only positive/ good qualities to be writt...

SWOC Analysis

SWOC Analysis SWOC Analysis is an activity that lets us assess ourselves by self-analysing our 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges.' SWOC Analysis can be done for an individual, for an organisation and for an institution. Here, we are going to see how an individual/person can do SWOC Analysis to improve oneself.  Previously, it used to be 'SWOT' with T referring to 'Threats'. Because it sounds so negative, Threats was replaced by 'Challenges', which is more positive and gives us a sense of competitiveness to better ourselves. SWOC Analysis is a tool through which one can do self-assessment for self-improvement.  Strengths - By knowing our strengths, we can work on them to improve them and feel proud of them. Weaknesses - By knowing our weaknesses, we can try changing ourselves to overcome those weaknesses and become better. Opportunities - Opportunities are directly connected to our Strengths. For every strength we have, we have one or m...

Report Writing on a Sports Event

 Report Writing on a Sports Event Report Writing is like essay writing where one writes about an Event, Topic or Issue. Usually, Newspapers and Magazines write reports of various events that are happening around the world. Report Writing involves stating facts, presenting information, explaining what happened, where and why, analysing situations, results and conclusions, and providing a deeper insight into that event/ topic/ issue. Writing a Report on a Sports Event includes stating clearly what event it is, where and when is it being held, who is hosting it, the opening ceremony, chief guest/ guests in the opening ceremony, who are all the participants, what are the events/ games/ sports conducted, who are the winners, player of the matches, player of the tournament, the closing ceremony,  chief guest/ guests in the closing ceremony and ending it with a paragraph on the overall output/ impact of the sporting event. The following are the important components of a good sports r...


 ELCS LAB MODEL PAPERS FOR I.B.TECH ELCS Lab (English Language Communication Skills Laboratory) is a lab that is aimed at making the I.B.Tech students of VNR VJIET become confident communicators in the English language at any stage and anywhere in the world. In this lab, which is divided as 1. Oral Communication Skills Lab and 2. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab) or MM (Multi Media) Lab , students learn English Language proficiency using the four language learning skills namely; LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).  In the Oral Lab , the focus is mostly on speaking skills with activities like Oral Presentations, Self Introduction, Introducing others, Storytelling, JAM, PPT presentations. The Oral lab also concentrates Writing skills with activities like Book/ Film Review, Report Writings on Events/ Sports Events/ Cricket Matches/ IPL Matches, Writing Information Transfer, Writing Resumes and Cover Letters. Apart from these, the Oral Lab also has activi...