ELCS Lab (English Language Communication Skills Laboratory) is a lab that is aimed at making the I.B.Tech students of VNR VJIET become confident communicators in the English language at any stage and anywhere in the world.

In this lab, which is divided as 1. Oral Communication Skills Lab and 2. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab) or MM (Multi Media) Lab, students learn English Language proficiency using the four language learning skills namely; LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). 

In the Oral Lab, the focus is mostly on speaking skills with activities like Oral Presentations, Self Introduction, Introducing others, Storytelling, JAM, PPT presentations. The Oral lab also concentrates Writing skills with activities like Book/ Film Review, Report Writings on Events/ Sports Events/ Cricket Matches/ IPL Matches, Writing Information Transfer, Writing Resumes and Cover Letters.

Apart from these, the Oral Lab also has activities like Street plays, interviews with a common man displaying values, Course-Based Projects reports etc., which are aimed at making the students confident communicators at the public places as well.

In the CALL Lab or MM Lab, the focus is mostly on listening, reading, and writing skills with activities like learning about Phonetics, Word & Sentence Stress, Intonation Process, Types of Reading Techniques, Reading and Listening exercises, Vocabulary building exercises, Voice in English Language, Technical Communication, Learning to define Technical Terms, Technical Processes etc.

Last Year Question Papers:

ELCS Oral Lab External QP: ELCS Oral Lab External QP:

ELCS MM Lab External QP: ELCS MM Lab External QP

Here are some of the Model Papers for the ELCS Lab External Exams (New Regulation):

ELCS Oral Lab Model Papers:

ELCS CALL/ MM Lab Model Papers:


Here are some of the Old question papers (Old Regulation - so the Pattern might be different):


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