SWOC Analysis

SWOC Analysis

SWOC Analysis is an activity that lets us assess ourselves by self-analysing our 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges.'

SWOC Analysis can be done for an individual, for an organisation and for an institution.
Here, we are going to see how an individual/person can do SWOC Analysis to improve oneself. 

Previously, it used to be 'SWOT' with T referring to 'Threats'. Because it sounds so negative, Threats was replaced by 'Challenges', which is more positive and gives us a sense of competitiveness to better ourselves.

SWOC Analysis is a tool through which one can do self-assessment for self-improvement. 

Strengths - By knowing our strengths, we can work on them to improve them and feel proud of them.

Weaknesses - By knowing our weaknesses, we can try changing ourselves to overcome those weaknesses and become better.

Opportunities - Opportunities are directly connected to our Strengths. For every strength we have, we have one or many opportunities awaiting us in life. For example, if your strength is Dedication, you will have opportunities like getting leadership positions and reaching top positions in your career.

Challenges - Challenges are directly related to our weaknesses. For every weakness we have, we have to face one or more challenges in life. For example, if your weakness is time management, completing tasks on time, or meeting deadlines would be a challenge for you.

Here are some examples of SWOC Analysis:

Here are some links for few more example: SWOC Analysis Samples


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